We met Carolina, from La Web de Madagascar over a year ago. We talked about art, life, music and nonsense things from everyday life. Her creative mind and energetic personality brought us into this collaboration. Few scrap tights, tape, cool friends, lights, camera and... snap! click, click, click.... Bright colors, but primary lines and creative angles form this new Inspired By entry. Enjoy! A picture taken during the shooting for Instagram.
"We are La Web De Madagascar. We have been working in fashion and advertising for almost four years now. This collaboration has been made with We Love Colors because we believe that color is as important as light, but nowadays everything happens too fast and furious, to even been able to appreciate the little things. We decided to stop for a while and take a break in order to refresh our minds. We think that less is more, so we focus the shooting directly into that. Minimalism. We have been playing with lines and colors, looking forward through the body shapes or framings. We really enjoyed the creative process from the beginning to the end on every project, but we also like to experiment with new materials and disciplines. Our challenge is to create something fun as well as desire provoking."