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Vogue Japan – March 2016

We’re feeling inspired by this recent fashion spread in Vogue Japan! We Love Colors fishnet gloves are worn as socks to add some layers to her look in Jamie The Muse

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Dazed & Confused – Fall 2015

Kehlani did a story for the autumn/winter issue of Dazed & Confused magazine, discussing how she used her music when she was forced to mature and live on her own at a young age due to absentee parents

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Bustle.com – October 2015

Everyone has their go-to denim jeans, but we’re all guilty of skimming over all of the other denim pieces of clothing that would look great in our wardrobe

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Elle Magazine – November 2015

Elle magazine features TV’s newest talent! In the November issue, Talent Show, five fresh faces new to Hollywood and the big screen