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How to wear green tights

Green is the color of life, energy and nature. It symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness and fertility

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Holiday Outfits Ideas

The holidays are in full swing which means it’s time to bring out the jewel tones and glitter! We believe that a pair of tights can transform any outfit and allow you to bring new life to already existing pieces in your closet

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Styled by… Milex

We are happy to start our new series Styled By, where we have a one minute interview with We Love Colors fans and get inspired by their way of living and wearing colors

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Bringing Splash Colors to Life

Blogger Threadedvibes has done it again and brought vintage and color into the world, with the help of our splash color thigh highs

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Zig-Zag Hiking Northwest Style

We’re in love with Vivi’s wild and outdoorsy side featuring our vertical jagged striped tights. Vivi is an experience hiker who loves exploring the outdoors with friends

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Brand New Vintage

We love Aisha’s attitude. Not only does she think your size should not dictate your style, but she loves mixing and matching vintage and new clothing

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Colorful Style From Norway

We love how colorful, positive, and genuine Ina from Mewkid is! She puts together the most vibrant outfits where she lives in Norway, and we can’t get enough of them! She paired our splash tights with a great green skirt and crop top, plus a beautif ...

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Black And Blue Mixed Prints

We love Berlin-based blogger Daria of Kittenhood because she always looks likes she’s living inside a Wes Anderson film! She’s also great at putting together outfits where she’s not afraid to contrast patterns

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Pastel Prom Party

Gloomth is where goth meets romance, and we love the mixture of party and melancholy they bring to the world! It reminds us it’s important to embrace all our emotions and express ourselves however feels right

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Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitter’s Dead Inspired Outfit

Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitter’s Dead is a cult classic, and if you haven’t seen it yet you probably should (although now you can’t just go to Blockbuster on a Friday night to rent it like you could when it came out)