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Arm-Socks and Costuming: Re-using Imperfect Tights in a Perfectly Practical Way

“I started by utilizing We Love Color’s shoulder gloves to avoid painting arms. I then found making arm socks out of the solid color tights looked more realistic

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Patchwork Tights Heart Sculpture

Mary England had a box of imperfect tights she wanted to turn into something fun for all the people at the Playa Del Fuego burner event in Delaware to enjoy

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Splash Color Painting by Charlotte Hager

We're always thrilled when artists are inspired by our products. Many times the artist will use the physical product in their art, but this time we're excited to share Charlotte Hager's work which was inspired by one of our pairs of splash colored ti ...

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Patterns by La Web de Madagascar

We met Carolina, from La Web de Madagascar over a year ago. We talked about art, life, music and nonsense things from everyday life

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Sculptural Installation in New York by Judy Thomas, Matrix: Renewal

We asked the artist Judy Thomas about her Matrix:Renewal Project, and how she used We Love Colors tights in this Sculptural Installation